

Sagely provides technology tools that allow programming professionals to gain a deeper understanding of who their residents are, and how to best engage them on their journey to well-being. Sagely is Market Street Residence’s exclusive provider of calendars, digital display, family communication, and program-related well-being tools. With Sagely, we can use data to measure our effectiveness and improve our program delivery.

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iN2L content from LifeLoop is a technology system that integrates the hardware, software, media and various components necessary to allow virtually any person with interest in using a computer — regardless of background, physical or intellectual abilities — to do so pleasurably, engagingly, and without frustration. Engagement in the platform may reduce anxiety, provide entertainment, or stimulate reminiscing conversations. iN2L content from LifeLoop is designed by experts in the field of dementia care to reach a range of function levels and interests to help engage people with dementia. The memory care iN2L content from LifeLoop focuses on desired outcomes for individual or group engagement. Purpose-driven content to help someone with dementia live an engaged life.



SingFit’s products embody the beauty of music as a scientifically supported way to connect with seniors and encourage engagement for those with cognitive decline.  The SingFit app utilizes a unique Lyric Prompting track for failure-free singing as well as music therapist designed protocols and online training to ensure successful sessions for a variety of clients with cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, dementia, aphasia and Parkinson’s disease.

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Joy For All Companion Pets

Designed with extensive input from older adults, Joy for All launched the Companion Pet Cats in December 2015. The effects that these products were having on aging loved ones and their families was undeniable. Stories and testimonials from caregivers on the positive impact on isolation, loneliness, and all forms of cognitive decline continued to validate what the team had believed all along – that the power of play was relevant at all stages of life.

The Joy for All brand has earned many industry awards, validating the impact that these products were having on those living independently or in care communities . . . bringing the interactive companionship, happiness and purpose associated with owning a pet, without the responsibility.
