Daily routines can be very beneficial for the person with Alzheimer’s as well as the caregiver. Organizing the day allows more time to enjoy activities and assists with avoiding stressful situations. Planned activities can enhance a person’s self-esteem by giving purpose to their day. Focus activities around what the resident is able to doto avoid frustrations. People with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia thrive on familiarity, the more you can incorporate that resonates with your loved one’s per-dementia life, the better.
Below is a list of questions to determine prior to setting up your daily routines:
- What is typical “wake-up” time?
- What are night time routines?
- What time of day is the person more lucid and cooperative?
- Which activities or interests does the person enjoy doing?
- Are there times of the day where too little is going on? Too much?
- Allow time for activities to be completed.
- Include Personal Care in the daily plan.
- Be flexible and follow through with plans.
- Keep usual habits for consistency.
Daily Plan may include the following:
- Personal Care Tasks-brushing teeth/bathing/getting dressed
- Preparing meals
- Taking walks-exercise
- Gardening
- Reading the mail
- Household chores
- Looking at family photos
- Spiritual Activities
- Creative Arts and Music
- Social-visiting with friends and family
We invite you to read our Dining Out with Success link to make your visits more pleasurable.